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Social MediaTop Tips

5 top tips for better social media marketing

When it comes to reaching customers, the importance of social media marketing cannot be understated. With that in mind, here’s our five top tips for better social media marketing.

1. View social media as an extension of your customer services

What does this mean? Pay attention to your customers. Hear what they have to say about your business. Listen for any improvements you could be making, and then make them. Notice what’s trending and discover what people want via their news feeds. Customers respond most positively when they feel like they’re being heard.

2. Track your stats

In order to run a successful social media campaign, you need to be able to see if what you are doing is working. To do this, you’ll need to have targets written into the plans for the campaign, so you can see if your strategy is effectively reaching your goals. If not, it might be time to get back to the drawing board.

3. Respond quickly and consistently

There’s nothing that irks people more than a customer service team who fail to respond in a timely fashion. When it comes to social media platforms, your average response time is now featured on your page, which means it vital that you’re quick, consistent, friendly and helpful when communicating with customers online.

4. Engage with your audience

It’s relatively easy to consistently post content on social media. However, posting original and engaging content that connects with your audience is what really matters. If you post quality content on a frequent basis, this will have a huge positive impact on your social media presence.

5. Outsourced social media marketing

Trying to keep up with all of your social media pages and simultaneously run a successful business is a stressful and often unsuccessful enterprise. Instead, outsource your social media marketing. This will ensure that all of the above will be provided for you by professionals who understand the nuances of social media platforms.

Social media marketing – where to find out more

At Insight Group, we offer unique and tailored social media services, including overseeing pages like LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and YouTube to help you to hit your objectives. For a better social media marketing campaign, get in touch today.

Read more about our social media marketing services.

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